
International Network for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology (INARCH) 2024 Annual INARCH Workshop



International Network for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology (INARCH)

2024 Annual INARCH Workshop

Lanzhou and Zhangye,China

October 14–18,2024

Local Hosts:Dr. Tao Che,Dr. Shichang Kang,and Dr. Xin Li,Chinese Academy of Sciences

Workshop Agenda

Monday,October 14 Arrival in Lanzhou

Arrival at Lanzhou City. Workshop participants will be greeted at the airport (also if they arrive on October 13) and driven to the Starway Hotel.

6:00 PM

Welcome dinner at 6 PM at the Starway Hotel

Tuesday,October 15 Meet in Lanzhou and Travel to Zhangye

7:30–8:30 AM

Breakfast at the Starway Hotel

8:30 AM

Travel to the Institute of CAS. It is about a 10-minute walk and there will be guides to takes us there,meeting in the lobby. Leave your belongings in your hotel room as we will return here for lunch and to check out of rooms prior to departing for Zhangye City.

Session 1 (Chair: Tao Che)

INARCH 2024 Annual Workshop Introduction

9:00 AM

Welcome and introduction on behalf of Institute of CAS,overview of science and facilities at CAS

Tao Che

Summary of workshop plans and activities

9:20 AM

John Pomeroy,Ignacio López Moreno

Introduction and current status of INARCH

9:50 AM

James McNamara

Hydrologic observations and modeling in the rain-snow transition zone;Dry Creek and Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed,Idaho,USA

10:10 AM

Ethan Gutmann

Snow and the diurnal cycles of mountain valley circulation

10:30 AM

Zhongbo Yu

Challenge and adaptation in water security and sustainability on the Tibetan Plateau


James McPhee

The International Year for Glacier’s Preservation – description and opportunities for engagement by the INARCH community

11:10 AM

Break and short tour of CAS facilities


Return to Starway Hotel for lunch and checkout

1:00 PM

travelling to Zhangye City (the Heihe field station) by bus,a national park view (depends on weather). The duration of travel is about 6 hours,and we stop at some rest areas.

8:00 PM

Arrival and dinner at Zhangye Hotel

Wednesday,October 16 Meeting in Zhangye

7:30–9:00 AM

Breakfast at the hotel

Session 2 (Chair: Ignacio López Moreno)

Topic: Observations,remote sensing,and field experiments

9:00 AM

Lei Wang

Cryosphere–hydrometeorology observations for a water tower unit on the Tibetan Plateau using the BeiDou-3 navigation satellite system

9:15 AM

Fan Zhang

Variation of riverine sediment transport in river basins on the Tibetan Plateau

9:30 AM

Rensheng Chen

Basic observation of hydrology in the Qilian Mountains

9:45 AM

Duanne White

Field investigations of snow ripening processes in a marginal snowpack,Australia

10:00 AM

Celine Anderson

Investigating hillslope hydrological processes in the Snowy Mountains,Australia using physical,chemical,and isotopic data

Poster Lightning Talks (2-min summary of each poster)

10:15 AM

Jiu Chen

Glacier cover mapping by using GaoFen-1 optical imagery and a machine learning algorithm

10:17 AM

Liyun Dai

Topography effects on microwave emission transmission of snowpack and snow depth retrieval

10:19 AM

Xuemei Li

Shift of precipitation from snowfall to rainfall and its impact

10:21 AM

Guigang Wang

Mapping snow cover frequency at 30 m for studying seasonal variations and topographic controls on the Tibetan Plateau

10:23 AM

Junshui Long

Hydrological Projections in the Third Pole Using Artificial Intelligence and an Observation‐Constrained Cryosphere‐Hydrology Model

10:25 AM

Xinyue Zhong

Comparison of bulk snow density measurements using different methods

10:27 AM

Break and refreshments and poster viewing

Session 3 (Chair: James McPhee)

Topic: Observations,remote sensing,and field experiments

11:00 AM

Ignacio López Moreno

Experiments for assessing the impact of impurities on snow on melting rates

11:15 AM

Francisco Rojas

Spatial and temporal variability of marginal snowpack over a small shrub-covered catchment in the Pyrenees

11:30 AM

Marc Oliva

Permafrost in the Pyrenees: the changing mountain

11:45 AM

Rafael Pimentel

Monitoring wet snow dynamics in Mediterranean mountains: Implication for water resources management

12:00 PM

Zhihua He

The value of water stable isotope data for improving process understanding in a central Asian high mountain basin

Poster Lightning Talks (2-min summary of each poster)

12:15 PM

Ana Andreu

The Guadalfeo monitoring network: a Mediterranean mountain basin

12:17 PM

Weiqiang Ma

Observational studies of water surface evaporation on inland lake over the classical Tibetan Plateau

12:19 PM

Yazhen Li

Interannual changes in snowmelt water resources of major river basins on the Tibetan Plateau

12:21 PM

Yueling Shi

Investigating the dynamics of alpine glaciers from ascending and descending satellite SAR observations

12:23 PM

Hu Liu

The importance of melting water in the Third Pole transboundary floods

12:25 PM

Lunch Break and Poster Viewing

Session 4 (Chair: James McNamara)

Topic: Observations,remote sensing,and field experiments

2:00 PM

Timothy Link

Watershed hydrology changes across scales resulting from land cover and climate changes spanning the rain-snow transition zone

2:15 PM

Ethan Gutmann

Downscaled climate projections predict decreases in lee-side precipitation and decreases in rain-shadow strength

2:30 PM

John Pomeroy

Recent extremes and deglaciation at the Canadian Rockies Hydrological Observatory

2:45 PM

Tao Che

The snow survey in China

3:00 PM

James McPhee

Relative influence of wind and avalanche redistribution at the mountain range scale in the South American Andes

3:15 PM

Alex Cebulski

Snow interception relationships with meteorology and canopy structure in a subalpine forest

3:30 PM

Break and poster viewing

4:00 PM

A national park view and tour of the Heihe field station

7:30 PM

Dinner at the field station or the Zhangye Hotel

Thursday,October 17 Field Trip to Frozen Ground and Snow Observation Sites

7:30–9:00 AM

Breakfast at the hotel


Travelling to the Qilian mountain,visiting a frozen ground observation site (A’rou) and snow observation site (Yakou)


Return to Zhangye Hotel

Dinner at the Zhangye Hotel

Friday,October 18 Workshop Closing in Zhangye and Return to Lanzhou

7:30–9:00 AM

Breakfast at the hotel

Session 5 (Chair: Ethan Gutmann)

Topic: Model development,applications,and prediction

9:00 AM

Yaoming Ma

The energy and water exchange and its effect on the weather and climate over the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions

9:15 AM

Binbin Wang

The lake-atmosphere turbulent flux simulation and its influences on the basin climate

9:30 AM

John Pomeroy

Advances in CRHM,CHM,MESH and application to diagnose changing hydrology from small to continental scales

9:45 AM

Dhiraj Pradhananga

Modelling Langtang River Basin with future climates

10:00 AM

Hongyi Li

Monitoring and modeling snowmelt water resources in complex high-mountain terrain

10:15 AM

John Pomeroy

Diagnosing the glacier hydrology of the Ala Archa Basin,Kyrgyzstan,with MESH

10:30 AM

Break and poster viewing

Session 6 (Chair: John Pomeroy)

Topic: INARCH Common Observing Period Experiment (COPE)

11:00 AM

Chris DeBeer

Overview of COPE status and activities

11:10 AM

Tim Link

Introduction to the Digital Water Globe

11:15 AM

Open discussion on COPE activities and plans

Workshop Closing (Chairs: John Pomeroy,Ignacio López Moreno)

Open discussion and drafting of INARCH workshop statement

11:30 AM

John Pomeroy,Ignacio López Moreno

INARCH Progress and Statement

12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Travelling back to Lanzhou City


Arrive at Starway Hotel and dinner



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